

Heavy duty metal nozzles
Water Saving Products and tips
Soaker hoses
How soaker hoses work and how they save water in an efficient way? Similar to garden hoses in appearance,the soaker hoses made of recycled vinyl release water through their tiny pores on the hose surface.They allow the water to evenly seep into the soil and the roots of the plants in a slower rate.

Soaker hose dripping in action

The water is directly applies into the plant roots with any evaporation in the air.They also have ability to keep the soil moist but to prevent waterlogged for the leaves.Thus,the soaker hose we provide is capable for water saving up to 70%.The water comes out from the little holes on the hose and penetrates directly into the soil which is the main reason that decrease the water evaporation from the air.This soaker hose is durable for long lasting uses and can be stand the water pressure from 10psi to 90psi.In conclusion,our advantages of soaker hose are water saving up to 70%,water bills cut down massively and prevent grass disease due to waterlogged.

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